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Pierre Pinkerton

Part One: Why Do I Need a Small Business CFO Advisor?

Updated: Aug 2

"Our Mission at Guiding Light CFO is to eradicate small business failure by offering expert financial strategies that help your business thrive."

As I sat and thought about what I should write for this FIRST post, I've been thinking about writing for at least two days. My thoughts were pretty random honestly... Should I start with the "why" or maybe with the "what" or maybe even "why you should give a damn". Well, since we all have a story, let me tell how we got here... "Got where?" you ask.

Of course, I got you covered - as your strategic Small Business CFO Advisor.

Let's start with where and how the inspiration to become a Small Business CFO Advisor came from...

By all accounts, I had a pretty good childhood... a damn great one honestly. My brother and I enjoyed hanging out in the neighborhood with our friends. Nothing makes life worth living like having great friends and family.

Mom, my brother and I headed to wash clothes at the local laundromat
Mom, my brother and I headed to wash clothes at the local laundromat

My mother raised all 3 of us (me, my brother, and sister) by herself. Things didn't workout between my mom and dad, but such is life. My dad and I are pretty 'tight' nowadays though. That's another story for another day. Mom was active in our lives as we all were growing up and she really stressed the importance of doing things as a family. And one of the things we enjoyed doing was going to the local video store (usually after going to the laundromat or grocery store) and renting movies (Nintendo video games) on Friday night to watch all weekend long. One of my Mom's favorite (and mine's) movies we watched was Pretty Woman.

Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in the movie poster for 'Pretty Woman'
Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in the movie poster for 'Pretty Woman'

If my memory serves me correctly, the first time we watched it was in 1992, I was 12. I don't know if I followed the movie all that much. I did notice how gorgeous Julia Roberts was, or was it my preteen hormones going wild... However, the biggest takeaway for me is the role that Richard Gere portrays as a corporate raider / investment banker. My curiosity was instantly peaked. Corporate raider?

Investment banker? What's that?, I wondered while thinking at the same time, 'Wow, he gets to wear that 'fancy' suit because he's a corporate raider'. This memory has stayed with me all my life. I knew exactly what I wanted to be and do. I wasn't sure at all on any details of what a corporate raider / investment banker did or why, but geez, Richard Gere made me believe I could be one.

Let's fast forward 25 years for the purposes of our post today - Why Do You Need a Small Business CFO Advisor? Remember that inspiration I was talking about earlier from watching Richard Gere in Pretty Woman, right? Well, as I grew up and worked to get my professional feet under me, through a period of about 15 years, I finally landed on how I can provide "real value" to the world:

I gain great joy and satisfaction in seeing and helping small business owners WIN!!! Especially when it comes to growing positive cash flow consistently.

In the next post, I'll talk a little more about how I went from the desire of wanting to be a corporate raider / investment banker to becoming a Small Business CFO Advisor and provide a couple ways I help small business clients generate positive and consistent cash flow.

Are You a Small Business Owner that's Experiencing Financial Frustration in Your Business and You're Feeling Stuck?

No Need to Be Stuck Any Longer... Book An Appointment and Let's Get Moving Again!!!


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